We have also invited certain notable guests to share their expertise in the field of 3D printing and its future applications.

Ian Gibson is Professor of the Department of Design Production and Management, University of Twente, Netherland. He is former Head of the School of Engineering at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. He has previously held positions in the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore. He is probably best known for helping establish the Rapid Prototyping Journal and co-authoring the book "Additive Manufacturing" by Springer. He has been working in the field of AM for more than 20 years and one of his primary interests is medical modelling.
Abstract: This study explores the capability of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) to fabricate fine porous Ti-6Al-4V structures for electrochemical applications, specifically for Regenerative Fuel Cells electrodes. High porosity and high sur-face area are crucial characteristics to maximise electrochemical properties. Therefore, the focus of this study was to produce electrodes by utilising a pulsed wave LPBF system to fabricate thin walls with process-induced stochastic poros-ity by manipulating process parameters – i.e., duty cycle, laser power and scan-ning speed. Although the highest porosity was obtained from a duty cycle of 50%, laser power of 100 W and scanning speed of 1500 mm/s, the specimen lacked structural integrity. An increase in duty cycle to 87.5% improved the struc-tural integrity of the thin wall and led to regularly spaced pores. The latter result is promising as it paves the way to controlling the formation and location of pores in LPBF-processed specimens. Overall, this study highlights the capability of LPBF in producing fine porous structures for electrochemical applications.