Call for PapersThe papers will be published in the book series Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing entitled ‘Proceedings of iCAT 2023 - 8th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing’.
Note: Authors of 5 selected papers will be invited to publish extended versions of their papers in Rapid Prototyping Journal.
First step: submission of an abstractWe ask you to submit a small abstract of up to 300 words. The abstract must include the title, author's names and affiliations, the body of the abstract, and keywords. The abstract may be modified in the full paper. The abstract can be submitted in .docx / .doc / .pdf format.
You can submit the abstract by email to icat2023@rapiman.net.
We will notify you as soon as possible about the acceptance of your abstract and your participation. After acceptance, we can issue you the documents to apply for a visa (if required) and the invoice for the payment of the conference fee.
Second step: full paper submissionWe strongly recommend that you submit a short, concise paper. The paper should be written in English. The word count is limited to 2200 to 4400 words and the number of pages to 4 to 8. Authors should use the provided template for the paper. The full paper should be submitted via this link.
The review process is double-blind. Accepted papers will be published in the Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing book series titled 'Proceedings of iCAT 2023 - 8th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing'.
Other option: Poster presentationA scientific poster is a design hybrid between an oral presentation and a manuscript. A scientific poster should include a title, the names of the authors and their affiliation with a particular organisation, an introduction, methods, results, conclusions, and acknowledgements. Other additions you may wish to include are a references section, contact information, and possibly a photograph of yourself.
Posters should be submitted by email to icat2023@rapiman.net by January 20 (Early Birds) or March 20, 2023 (regular submission).
Submitted poster proposals will be reviewed and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection.