Parallel events
- Exhibition of Additive Manufacturing devices by their producers
(3D printers and High End AM systems)
- Exhibition of designers’ products made by AM
- GARPA session on world advances in Additive Manufacturing
- Award ceremony:
- Best paper of iCAT 2010, will be awarded the Rapid Prototyping
Journal Best paper Award with 50 GBP and 1 year free
subscription to the RPJ,
- Best Additive Manufacturing Design Award, will be awarded to
the designer who presents a product expressing the most
innovative use of Additive Manufacturing (winner will receive a special
web presentation by RAPIMAN)
- Best Young Scientist Award, will be awarded to the best paper
written by a perspective young scientist.
- Best Exhibitor Award, will be awarded to the company presenting
new or improved technology and/or new successful application of
additive manufacturing.
- Excursion to MBN Nanomaterialia, Italy
(Manudirect direct laser sintering micro-manufacturing machine)

